Saturday, May 12, 2012


There seems to be an ongoing battle with skateboarders.  This is generally due to the fact that rollerbladers wax things to help them slide faster and skateboarders can't handle that and get really pissed about it.  They also just seem to roll right into the way when rollerbladers are going at mach 10. 

You may hear a skateboarder refer to a rollerblader as a fruit booter I guess that's because they think they are gay.  You may hear a rollerblader refer to a skateboarder as a wood pusher for obvious reasons. 

You may hear a skateboarder make fun of rollerbladers because it's just too easy.  I guess it's easier to learn how to rollerblade in a general rolling around sense but it's much harder to do tricks. 

Don't ask me, I'm the one that busted my butt just trying to roll around a parking lot.  I was rolling around and was next to a car where noone could see me, hit a twig, and my feet flew out from underneath me in slow motion much like a cartoon.  Because there was someone else further away truly skating, when I stood up and skated around the car, I heard them say so and so must have busted ass! Did you hear that?  A couple of days later I randomly busted out into laughter and had to explain what had happened.

1 comment:

  1. This is a fucking awesome blog! really really awesome! i've been dating cj wellsmore for the past three years... this is him exactly! hahaha :)
